Literal Life Church

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Spanish Translation Project: Second Update

Finishing the Message in Spanish

A Mission of Love Divine Fellowship and Literal Life Church

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We are excited to send this update on the Spanish Translation Project. As you can see above, we are fast approaching the finish line in completing the entire Message in Spanish. Our translators are working hard each day to complete quality translations of sermons remaining to be done. This is sure to be a blessing to the Bride as she hungers to have more titles available to feed on.

In this update, we have included short testimonies of our laborers in this work. We felt you should know them personally and put a face with your prayers so to speak. This kind of labor is not easy, so we thank each one of them for the time they are giving and the passion for this project. At the pace they are working, it’s quite possible we will be finished in the fall of 2018.

We are both grateful for the continued support and prayers of those who have joined us in this effort. May God bless each one of you.

The food that was stored on tape for us is now being preached by the fivefold ministry.

You can access all of the uploaded Spanish sermons at

We pray rapturing faith continues to come to His people as they feed on more of this "Body Word of the Son of Man."

~ Brother Doug Baker and Brother Paul LaFontaine

See this chart in the original post

Meet our Translators

Brother Eli Ortiz - USA

Brother Eli was born and raised in Puerto Rico. He was drafted into the armed services in 1969 and served a tour in Vietnam. In 1974, he met his sweetheart and they married in 1977. God had got a hold of him in 1981 and he started attending a Baptist church. After he and his wife had three beautiful children, he went to college and finished a degree in electronics science in 1986. Two years later in December of 1989, after someone shared the news about what God had done in this day, he received the Holy Ghost and was baptized again. Since then, he and his family have served the Lord faithfully.

Brother Eli is the administrator for STP. He is also a minister and a missionary of Love Divine Fellowship with Pastor Doug Baker. The project could not have taken place without the organization and heart that Brother Eli has given to it.

Sister Susana Ashurst - Mexico

God bless you, brothers and sisters. I’m married to Brother Arturo Ibarra and I have two children, Ariana, who is 13-years-old, and my son Jordan, who is 18-years-old. I live in a little town call Magdalena, in the state of Sonora, México. I grew up in Nogales, Sonora, in a Christian Message home. My dad came as a missionary to Mexico for the first time in 1964. He was in Brother William Branham's meetings in 1961 in Visalia, California and also in Tulare, California in 1964. Later he met Brother Antonio Milano who gave him the Seven Church Ages book. I never lived in the United States but was able to learn English with my dad and hearing Brother Branham on the bilingual tapes. When I turned 16-years-old I was baptized in the Mascareñas River in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Later, God gave me a personal experience in my soul that has helped me to serve Him from that time on. I’m 42- years-old now and I attend a little Message church here in town. I met Brother Eli Ortiz, (STP administrator) when he came to Mexico and preached for us. In September 2014 Brother Eli sent me an email inviting me to be a part of the STP. It thrilled my heart since I was praying the Lord would give me something to do. This was perfect because the only skills I had were typewriting, English, and the knowledge of this glorious message. I am very grateful that the Lord knew exactly where to place me. I translate Brother Branham's messages from my heart and I love every second. It has blessed me and given me a new experience with God. Remember me in your prayers as we moved forward. I thank God for people like you that have a burden in their souls for the Bride of Jesus that speaks Spanish.

Brother William Rodas - El Salvador

Blessed be the Name of the Lord, and God bless you Saints!

Thanks to God since his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning. Thanks to God for letting me be part of a special people and this Spanish Translation Project; Praised be the Lord. I am from El Salvador, Central America. My mom has been a believer since her twenties, so I was born in a believer’s home.

I was brought to the grace of God and baptized in 2004 when I was 14-years-old. I have always listened to Brother Branham's voice on the tapes followed by a translator, so that’s why it was not hard for me reading Brother Branham in English and getting acquainted with his preaching style and some expressions. I am 26-years-old now and I been part of the project since Jan. 11, 2016, when I was invited, by Sister Susana.

Since then, I have had wonderful learning experiences through the Holy Ghost and despite the struggle sometimes with some expressions; the Lord uses His kindness and goodness to take me through. I am glad to become a full-time translator and the instrument which the Lord will use to bring this Food to the Spanish Speaking Bride.

Brother Antonio Velasquez - Venezuela

Hi, my name is Antonio Velasquez, and I live in Rio Caribe, Eastern Venezuela. Right after my conversion, 30 years ago, the Lord gave me the gift of the English language. I know it was Him because before that time I didn’t know anything about the language. One day I began to develop a sudden interest in it and started to study it by myself. During this time, I was in high school and I remember myself asking the English teacher all sorts of questions and trying to read everything I could find that was written in English. Some years later I came into the Message and started listening to the tapes in English. At first, it was difficult to understand what Brother Branham was saying, so I would take the message book and began to compare it with the tape. I would also take the same book in both English and Spanish and start to make notes of new words and phrases. In 2006, I was given the task of proofreading some translations that would be used to put together a Folio View in Spanish. I did that for about two years.

About ten months later I received a call from Brother Burley Williams. He told me to contact Brother Paul LaFontaine because he was looking for a translator. By God's grace, I have been translating all these years on a full-time basis. To me, it is a privilege to work for the kingdom of God doing my part in making this end time message available to the Spanish-speaking bride around the world.

Brother Tony Reyes - Brazil

English always got my attention, and that is why between 1992 and 1996, I went to the U.S. to study, God used that to prepare the way. I always had a desire to read the messages in the language that the prophet spoke. I went back in 1998 and stayed for eight months to take another English course. In fact, I enrolled in three English schools. When I returned, I enrolled at the university and obtained my degree in education. After just two months the university offered me a job to teach Spanish grammar and a couple of English courses. I declined the offer because I wanted to preach and work in ministry. Later in years my pastor said one time, "God has something for you, He will put you somewhere in the ministry" and I said, "Brother, I live here, I work here, I will help you here" then he replied, "Brother Tony, God showed me, you will have a place in the ministry." About three years ago, Brother Kelly Hildebrandt from Canada visited us, I have been his interpreter since he started coming to Venezuela, I explained to him that I really wanted to do something else for the ministry. He talked to me about Brother Paul LaFontaine and the project. Since that time, I have been a full-time evangelist and a translator. God has been so good; I visit different churches in all of Venezuela. I am a happy man helping with the translation of the Messages into Spanish. God has done a lot of things in my country and has allowed this situation so that we can pray harder to seek his presence. Thank you for asking me to do this and may God keep blessing you in all the work and the burden you have in your heart for the Spanish language people to get the Messages translated into Spanish. I'll never stop thanking God for such an opportunity.

Sister Norma Vazquez - Mexico

Sister Norma is an assistant to our Administrator Brother Eli, helping to check translated messages as well as many other tasks. She writes:

A couple of years after being saved by Jesus Christ our Lord, I also received the call to serve Him as a Sunday school teacher, a role I really love and continue to do.

Years passed by and I felt in my heart I needed to do something more, always with the feeling, you will never do enough to show how much you appreciate God's mercy in your life. Curiously, during the days I was praying about it, my pastor told me he was asked to take part in the STP project, and he was led to recommend me. That's how I realized He answered my request, and here I am! To God be the Glory!! Thank you for letting me be a part of it, what a blessing!

Brother Booz Romero - USA

God bless you all! I was born and raised in Mexico where I received the Lord and was baptized in His Name. Five years ago, I moved to Michigan because of my current job. I visited Literal Life Church for the first time back in 2012, and later on, I decided that it should be my home church.

I started working with the STP in its early stages doing administrative work such as quarterly reports and translation of reports from Spanish to English, among other duties.

A few months ago, I was on my way home from church, and I was listening to Brother Byskal's testimony where he was speaking about how the Word was taken to Ethiopia. After that, I got a burden in my heart, what are you doing for the Lord? That's the reason I decided to start translating part-time. God bless you all!