Literal Life Church

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Spanish Translation Project: Final Update

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I just wanted to say thanks for the great support of the Spanish translation the last five years. So many individuals and churches have joined with us to make this vision a reality. At the end of this month, all the messages of Brother Branham will be translated into Spanish, and by the end of this year, all will be proofread and uploaded for anyone to download. For the first time, Spanish Believers around the world will have access and be able to feed on the entire message of the hour. For this, we give thanks to God.

I am also happy to announce that we have received all the funds needed to finish the project. For this, we give glory to God, as well. The project cost ended up much more significant than we expected. God is a mighty provider.

We will always remember the faithful part so many of you played in getting this done. As many of you know, when you’re doing mission work, you’re always in the will of God.

I hope everyone knows what this means now to the Spanish speaking people in the Bride around the world. This will have a tremendous effect on thousands of souls as they feed on this glorious Word.

Thank you once again, and the Lord bless you all.
Brother Paul LaFontaine