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Experience the Reality of God


Sermons available to watch, listen, and download



You have a few options for viewing our sermons, depending on how you would like to view the sermon and when it was recorded. If you know what you are looking for and how to access it, here are your three options. If you aren’t sure which of these options is best for you, look at the list of check and X marks beside each resource.


Watch newer sermons online (November 2013 - Present)
Watch older sermons online (2011 - 2012)
Download video recordings
Download audio recordings
Includes full sermon (Song service + specials)

All sermons from November 2013 and onward are available on YouTube. None of these recordings include the song service before or after the sermon due to copyright restrictions imposed on us by YouTube.


Since YouTube does not permit viewers to download videos, we have provided many of our sermons here. Each sermon can be downloaded in full as a video or MP3 and they include the song service and specials.

Watch newer sermons online (November 2013 - Present)
Watch older sermons online (2011 - 2012)
Download video recordings
Download audio recordings
Includes full sermon (Song service + specials)


Before we used YouTube, we kept our oldest video recordings from 2011 and 2012 on Vimeo. All of these recordings include videos from the church on Alexis Road and Brown Street.

Watch newer sermons online (November 2013 - Present)
Watch older sermons online (2011 - 2012)
Download video recordings
Download audio recordings
Includes full sermon (Song service + specials)



Understand how we archive our sermons


 How do I locate a sermon on your download page?

Let’s imagine this example scenario: I am looking for the full video of the morning service, including the song services and any specials, from Sunday, August 18th, 2019.

Here are the steps to locate that sermon:

  1. Go to our downloads page

  2. Click on the 2019 folder

  3. Then, click on 08 - August

  4. Since I am looking for the video version of the full service, click on the Full Service folder

  5. The name of each sermon starts with the date at the beginning in yymmddtt format (where yy = two digit year, mm = two digit month, dd = two digit day, and tt = AM/PM). Thus, I need to look for a file starting with “190818AM”.

    Note: if only one sermon was preached on a given day, AM/PM may not be present.

  6. Click on the file name

  7. You can either watch it online, or click the Download button at the top-left of the screen to save the video to your computer or phone


How can I find the specials or the full service?

Once you are inside of a particular month on our downloads page (e.g. such as August 2019), there are four folders inside of each month:

  • Full Service: Includes a video of the entire service from before the song service begins until after it finishes.

  • Full Service - MP3: Exact same as the full service, expect here they are in an audio-only MP3 format for your convenience. If you are wanting to download a large quantity of sermons, this is your best option since each of the sermons are a much smaller file size, allowing you to fit more of them on your phone or computer.

  • Preaching: Does not include the song service, but just the sermon. These video are an exact copy of what we have on our YouTube page.

  • Specials: Contains short videos of the specials sung before the sermon starts and after our song service concludes.